I can’t believe the time has come to launch my new clothing line, ELLE BRAND. I feel like I have been crafting and planning it for so long!! To explain the process simply, I buy from multiple clothing wholesalers and choose the pieces that I think would sell best for the season and for my customers. I have learned about what my customers like the last year selling clothing as a Shop Stevie rep, so I feel prepared for this next step. The reason I switched to my own line is so I can have more freedom with my inventory and profit. I can supply the clothing that my customers need a lot easier. Also I wanted to use my brand to inspire others, so I decided to donate 10% of my profit to My Social Canvas’s non-profit, Design the Life you Love! This money will go towards scholarships for girls across the country! I also wanted to speak this truth into the lives of girls and women in my community. We all have a story to tell in our life time and we can design the life we love, we all have that opportunity and I want to make sure my peers know that! I am also very excited to carry a tshirt line from My Social Canvas that promotes confidence, and provide a quarterly subscription box with inspirational merch. I couldn’t think of a better way to design the life I love and can’t wait for the journey ahead! God works in crazy ways and provides so generously in our lives. I would have never dreamed that I would do this. I feel so thankful and blessed, and hope that this inspires you to follow your passion!!! 

Mini Look Book of the ELLE BRAND collection

Thanks for all of your support and love during this exciting time in my life!!! Comment below your biggest accomplishment… let’s all raise each other up in the amazing things we are capable of with our God given gifts!! 


Discover more about MSC Design the Life you Love

Also, you can always find the shopping link in my menu tab! 

xo, Elle Coffman 

Target vs. Steve Madden Shoes

Recently I was in Target and saw they had so many Steve Madden look alikes, but for half the cost!! I wanted to compile a list of some trending shoes, and compare the designer price to off-brand! Target is a great option for shoes if you don’t want to invest a lot of $$$ in a trend. The quality of the Target shoes is not as long lasting as Steve Madden, but they will definitely give you the same “look”! 

Metallic Platforms 

Steve Madden $89.95

Target $27.99

Black Heels 
Steve Madden $89.95

Target $29.99

Fur Slides 

Steve Madden $39.95

Target $22.99

Black Fur Ball Sneakers

Steve Madden $89.95

Target $27.99

Black Mules

Steve Madden $79.95

Target $22.99

Pearl Sandals

Steve Madden $69.95

Target $24.99

Black Sock Boots

Steve Madden

Target $37.99

Black Knee High Boots

Steve Madden $129.95

Target $59.99

Fashion Meets Music Festival 

The Fashion Meets Music Festival treated us well. We got mistaken for models, front row for T Pain and Fetty, fashion shows galore, and ended the night with DNCE. I wanted to take advantage of my pretty friends and their cute outfits so we did a little photo shoot!! 

Look 1: @_sincerelyelle

I wore a star dress over a mesh tee with ruffle detail. I accesorized with chunky glasses, layered gold necklace and rings, watch, stud bracelet, boxy black bag and ankle rain boots (there was a chance of rain that day). 

Look 2: @alliemccoy6

Allie wore a gingham dress over a graphic tee. She accessorized with cat eye glasses, a choker, peach bag, and slides. 

Look 3: @_hannahfrank_

Hannah wore an off the shoulder white top with floral embroidered high waisted shorts. She accesorized with round glasses, quilted crossbody, Alex and Ani bracelets, hoop earrings, and Adidas. 

We had such a fun day and we were inspired by the fashion we saw throughout our time there! ⭐️ Thanks for reading! 


Elle Coffman 

18 things I’ve learned before 18

Adulting… a concept that I’m unfamiliar with but am actually very excited to embrace. The thought of paying bills, taxes, and insurance is over my head at this point, but you know what… bring it on!! It seems just like yesterday I was the little girl playing barbies in my play room and riding my bike to Lincoln Elementary school. Now I’m applying for college and balancing school work and a job! Aging is inevitable and things change, but to me that means personal growth and wisdom! I’ve learned a little bit since I was born and wanted to share… haha! So here are 18 things I’ve learned before 18: 

1. God Has a Purpose For You

This is a concept that is very familiar to me but to fully submerse myself in this truth can be difficult. It takes a lot of trust, patience, and prayer to relieve the anxiety of “What do I do?” and give it all to God. The fact that God has seen everything from birth to death is reassuring and gives me an overwhelming sense of peace. Remember God has a plan for you bigger than you could ever imagine!! I have a lot of stress and anxiety but knowing that God has a purpose and plan for my life has calmed my spirit immensely.

2. Perfection is Nonexistent

Perfection is an exhausting thing to try to achieve. The thing is, all you can do is try… you will never reach it! You’ll always want more or want better! This will steal your life of joy and you will miss out on so many amazing opportunities. Unfortunately in our generation, social media provides the ultimate source of comparison. People might seem like their life is perfect, but remember, they are just posting the high moments of their life. I’m not saying they don’t have a happy life, but we all have our personal battles and hardships. I struggle with this because I always try to do everything perfectly and when I don’t, I can get really down on myself. What helped me with this is one time I watched a YouTube video of a blogger that has the life I strive to have. She talked about her struggles with depression and comparison. These issues are real and happen to us all. So give yourself some grace and just be the best you, you can be!

3. You Have To Put In The Work

Life just doesn’t hand you opportunities. If you want something, you have to work for it. It’s easier than you think to do this though. Once you get in the habit of helping yourself and not relying on others to do everything for you, you are one step ahead. It’s okay to ask for help, but don’t be lazy! My tip for good grades… do your homework and study, it’s that easy!!  Anything worth doing will always be an uphill effort.

4. A Guy Does Not Define You

If you know me, you know that I’ve never had a serious boyfriend. There’s no particular reason except for the fact that I haven’t found “the right one”. Ultimately dating should be for the purpose of marriage, if it’s not, you might want to check your intentions. Do not date someone just because they are giving you attention or filling a void in your life.

It’s good to have high standards for someone, because you want a guy who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Never settle for someone who does not respect and love you for exactly who you are! While you have certain standards for someone else, meet them yourself first. Love yourself and prepare yourself everyday for your future relationship. There is nothing wrong with dating in high school, but there is definitely a lot of benefit to discovering who you are on your own… not from a guy telling you.

Remember ladies that guys think very differently from girls… this is good and bad. Haha! But give guys some grace and learn to appreciate their differences. Honestly, relationships would be very difficult if guys were as sensitive and hormonal as us!

5. Drama is Overrated

Three words. “Cut the drama.” It is not needed and will only bring pain into your life and others. A friendship can become toxic when gossip is added. Not only does it make you feel bad, but you will lose people’s trust. Focus on building people up and speaking truth into their life. The thing about gossip is, it can become very addictive and difficult to stop. Also, if someone is your friend because you always fill them in on the latest drama, you are being used. It will backfire and will not only hurt you, but others when they find out you were talking behind their back.

6. Kindness is Key

Trust me when I say this… “ALWAYS be kind”! I don’t care what someone did to you, forgive them and be kind! This does not mean you have be best friends with the person that broke your heart or hurt you, but we are all human and make mistakes. There is no reason to be petty and overly dramatic. You should protect your heart and never let someone use you, but always respond with a kind heart. If someone did something wrong instead of flipping out on them, speak truth into their life. Even if it doesn’t seem “cool” now, you’ll look back and appreciate the respect you got from others because of your pure intentions. Think about the type of person you like to be with… kind, happy, and positive! Don’t be the friend that tears others down… be the friend you would want!

7. Take Time For Others

It’s easy to be selfish, but I’ve realized that my heart is more full when I put others first. I love to do random acts of kindness, spend quality time with friends, and volunteer my time and resources. By all means express your thoughts and opinions, but don’t let them become an inconvenience for others.

8. It’s Hard To Be Content

If you’re patient, good things will come. Appreciate what you have and learn to be content with your circumstances and possessions. Personally, I’m a sucker for clothes… as most of you probably know. Shopping online and in stores is a stress reliever for me, and an expensive habit, might I add. Fashion is a passion of mine, but I have learned to be creative with the clothes I have. My goal is to save my money this year from my jobs for college. Since I now have an end goal, I am less likely to buy impulsively. If you’re struggling with being content, try to come up with an attainable goal or ask yourself if there’s a deeper root to the problem. Is it to fill an emptiness in your heart? Make you happy? Make you popular? If those are your intentions, just know material things will not bring you any of those. Only Jesus can fill that void.

9. Self- Love

This is easier said than done. First of all, you can be your own worst critic. People are usually so worried about there own insecurities that they do not dwell on or notice your flaws.  There are always going to be things you don’t like about yourself. Those negative thoughts can steal your joy and make you spiral into a state of mind that’s unhealthy. It is PIVOTAL to tell those thoughts to go away! You need to speak positively to yourself and love yourself… accept every flaw. I have been searching for the solution to truly have self love and have finally found it!!

1. Find what you’re good at, and do it.

2. Surround yourself with amazing people who love you for you.

3. Understand that you are more than your outer image, and created in God’s image.

4. If you act confident and happy you will be perceived as more attractive.

5. Self love is a choice you have to make for yourself… No one can give it to you, and it looks different for everyone.

10. Don’t Hate Your Body

I had an epiphany on this the other day. I read an article that explained the concept of eating healthy and exercising because you love your body not because you hate it. We all have a fitness goal and journey that we are on. If we do this because we hate how we look, it can lead to us doing things to our body that will hurt us… like under eating or over exercising. If we have a positive mindset about ourselves and workout to become stronger and eat healthy to fuel our beauty, then the results will come naturally. Please don’t hate your body because of all the amazing things it allows you to do and experience.

11. Eating Disorders are Serious

I don’t think I understood the seriousness of eating disorders until this year. They are real and common and so easily acquired. They not only damage your body, but they deplete your quality of life. If you starve yourself, you will ruin your metabolism then when you finally start eating again, you will gain it all back and more. Not only that, but your organs can be damaged and your chances of giving birth can be diminished. Brain cells die when you are malnourished and that will affect your education, memory, and mood. If you are suffering from an eating disorder or are tempted to try, please talk to someone you trust.  You won’t regret it.

12. Passion = Success

If you are doing what you love, it will come naturally, therefore you will have success. I am excited for college because I know my classes will be enjoyable and will be easier because I will be doing what I love.  This will then carry over to my future career. It’s my prayer that you will find something that you love to do everyday! You have the choice to design a life and career that you love.  God made you for a specific purpose, so discovering what that is will make all the difference.

13. Don’t Try To Be Someone You’re Not

It is easy to want to be someone else… to want someone else’s life. But you are unique and unlike anyone else in the whole world. Trying to be someone else is ultimately exhausting and disappointing, because you will never be them. When you accept yourself and embrace what you can offer the world, amazing things will happen. You have a story to write here on earth, one that’s your own.

14. Everything in Moderation

Enjoy ice cream, pizza, and Netflix marathons!! Don’t completely take away things in life that bring you joy. It’s so important to eat healthy and exercise, but it’s okay to “treat yourself” every once in awhile. Developing self control is a great habit and something valuable to have your whole life.

15. Connections Get You Places, but Talent Keeps You There.

Applying for and getting a job can depend on your connections and who you know. These are formed and created by where you’ve been, what you’ve accomplished and investing time in people. In any industry, you must be kind at all times, no matter how high up you get. Your kindness will take you far and the connections you need will fall into place. To keep your job though, you will need to work hard and be passionate. Your connections can only do so much for you, then you have to put in the work.

16. Never Stop Being Happy and Laugh Often

There is no reason to live without happiness. Life becomes so much more fun, relationships flourish, and amazing opportunities arise when you embrace a happy lifestyle. Surround yourself with happy people, because you are who you hang out with. Laughter is truly the best medicine. If I’m ever feeling down, a good laugh always brightens my spirit. My goal is to fill my life with positive people with a great sense of humor and not take myself too seriously.

17. Traveling is The Best Gift You Can Give Yourself

There are so many amazing and beautiful places to go and see in the world. You will get to experience new cultures, food, and people! Take every opportunity to travel, no matter your age. Cherish where your are from and appreciate the person you are because of it. Your home town will always hold a special piece of your heart.

18. Enjoy Every Stage of Life

There is something special about every stage of life. Never take it for granted and love every second. I loved my childhood, and I know I will love adulthood too! I hope you can find joy at every age.

Thank you for all my birthday wishes!!

xo, Elle Coffman


Barneys, BG, and DSM

Barney’s, Bergdorf Goodman, and Dover Street Market are some of the most well known and loved luxury retailers. During my classes at FIT we browsed these stores, but with the eyes of a merchandiser. We observed how everything was aesthetically set up, organized, and the brands/ pieces each store chose. This collage presents my perspective of all the stores combined…

xo, Elle Coffman

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale – Top 25 under $150

Hello fellow Nordstrom lovers! The Nordstrom Anniversary sale is one of the biggest events in fashion retail! Every blogger and their mother is scrolling through the early access items getting their hands on the best deals!! This year I comprised a list of 25 items under $150 that will be a great addition to your fall wardrobe! I hope this is helpful… considering the sale can be overwhelming to sort through!!

  1. Corbin Slip-On Sneaker VINCE                 Sale: $129.90 After Sale: $195.00
  2. Milo Loafer Mule BP.                                  Sale: $52.90 After Sale: $79.95
  3. Gabbie Thigh High Boot STEVE MADDEN Sale: $86.90 After Sale: $129.95
  4. Bryce Sandal TORY BURCH                        Sale: $149.90 After Sale: $228.00
  5. Love Letters Spinning Initial Necklace   Sale: $44.90 After Sale: $68.00
  6. Ball Statement Earrings BAUBLEBAR     Sale: $33.90 After Sale: $48.00
  7. Anita Leather Strap Watch, 34mm SKAGEN Sale: $99.90 After Sale: $155.00
  8. Milo Loafer Mule BP.                                  Sale: $52.90 After Sale: $79.95
  9. Free Focus Flyknit 2 Bionic Shoe NIKE    Sale: $89.90 After Sale: $120.00
  10. Parker 50mm Sunglasses SONIX               Sale: $79.90 After Sale: $120.00
  11. Bar Station Bracelet NADRI                      Sale: $24.90 After Sale: $38.00
  12. Pearl Embellished Mule STEVE MADDEN Sale: $59.90 After Sale: $89.95
  13. Original Refined Short Rain Boot HUNTER Sale: $119.90 After Sale: $185.00
  14. Jacy Stretch Bootie HALOGEN®               Sale: $79.90 After Sale: $119.95
  15. ‘Moonlight’ Short Pajamas                        Sale: $35.90 After Sale: $55.00
  16. High Waist Faux Leather Shorts LEITH    Sale: $42.90 After Sale: $65.00–$69.00
  17. Faux Leather Skirt TOPSHOP                   Sale: $39.90 After Sale: $60.00
  18. Faux Leather Mixed Moto Leggings BP.   Sale: $25.90 After Sale: $39.00
  19. High Waist Crop Wide Leg Pants LEITH Sale: $45.90 After Sale: $69.00
  20. Fiddler Faux Suede Cap BRIXTON           Sale: $31.90 After Sale: $48.00
  21. Studded Stretch Belt HALOGEN®            Sale: $35.90 After Sale: $55.00
  22. Metallic Faux Leather Moto Jacket          Sale: $85.90 After Sale: $129.00
  23. Suede Moto Jacket BLANKNYC                 Sale: $125.90 After Sale: $188.00
  24. Velvet Band Jacket BLANKNYC                  Sale: $125.90 After Sale: $189.00
  25. Raw Ruffle Crop Jacket TOPSHOP            Sale: $54.90 After Sale: $85.00

xo, Elle Coffman

New York City FIT Lookbook 

Romper// Ted Baker

Vest// Top Shop

Purse// Kate Spade

Slides// Shop Stevie

Watch// Kate Spade

Earrings// Stella and Dot

This is my friend Jenny Santos, she has an amazing blog you should check out >> HERE

Blouse// Proper

Skirt// Proper

Purse// Vintage Thrift Shop

Silk Tie// Madewell

Shoes// Sam Edelman

Watch// Kate Spade

Top// The Blue Door

Shorts// H & M

Necklace// Nordstrom

Shoes// Adidas

Watch// Kate Spade

Rings// Urban Outfitters

Bracelet// Kendra Scott

Earrings// Francesca’s

Purse// Kate Spade

Top// Gracia

Shorts// Proper

Bag// Vintage

Earrings// Meghan Browne

Flats// Shop Stevie

Watch// Kate Spade

Travel Day 

Top// Top Shop

Skirt// Forever 21

Shoes// Adidas

Necklace// Nordstrom

Bracelet// Alex and Ani

Sunglasses// Nordstrom

Taking classes at FIT was an experience of a lifetime and I learned a wealth of information. My dream is to attend this school in a year and I couldn’t be more excited!! I’m thankful for everyone who has supported my dreams and motivated me to follow them!

Follow my new Instagram account where I am selling some gently used clothing: @see.closet>> shop directly HERE!! This is a way for me to start saving up for my future in the city, not a cheap lifestyle! Haha!

More content coming soon! I will be doing Style Saturday’s, styling outfits with pieces from my clothing line. Also I want to do a Look for Less series, showing designer outfit ideas for less! Thanks for reading!

xo, Elle Coffman

Spring Trends

Hello Spring!!

This is one of my favorite times of the year because of the long anticipated warm weather that is coming our way. My friend Lauren and I wanted to show some of our favorite spring trends, so we collaborated on this post. I’m wearing a ruffle sleeve sweater, distressed denim, velvet sneakers, and a statement earring. Lauren is wearing a pastel ruffled top, white jeans, snake skin sneakers, and a Kendra Scott stone necklace. {Details linked at the end}


Sweater: Zara | Jeans: American Eagle | Sneakers: Steve Madden | Earrings: Nordstrom

See the details of Lauren’s outfit on her blog: elusiveattire.com. She has beautiful content showcasing her style and trips around the world.

Tips for styling spring outfits:

  1. Trendy Details. We styled basic tops with ruffle detailing which makes the look very trendy for spring. I love the classy and feminine aesthetic they give off. You will see ruffles on sleeves, across blouses, and on hemlines this season. Another trend is embroidery (not styled in this post). I’m loving floral embroidery on denim jackets, jeans, and blouses.
  2. Athleisure. The hottest trend this season is sneakers, and is one of my favorites. It is so convenient to throw on effortless sneakers to add an edge to any outfit. This is one of the most functional fashion trends ever.
  3. Fresh colors. I’m loving neutrals and soft colors, specifically white, dusty rose and lavender, blue, and pastel pink. The patterns I’m rocking this season are stripes, and simple florals.
  4. Simplicity. I love styling basics together with no prints, and then adding a statement shoe or earring. My go-to way to accessorize is to layer dainty gold necklaces, they add a delicate feminine touch to any outfit.

My favorite places to shop right now are Zara, Top Shop, ASOS, American Eagle, and Abercrombie; the majority of my closet consists of these brands. Other places that are inexpensive and have lots of trendy items are Forever 21 and H&M, which I can find some great things every once in awhile! I hope this blog helped blossom some spring outfits ideas for you!


Elle Coffman



Nordstrom Fashion Ambassador Program

Next year will be my fourth year as a Nordstrom Fashion Ambassador and it has been such an amazing experience. We meet once a month (Currently I attend the one in Beachwood, OH), and we learn the ins and outs of the fashion industry. We also learn about different jobs, talk about trends, style outfits from the store, and participate in interview/ leadership activities, plus you get a discount on clothing the day of your meeting. I was able to participate in two prom fashion shows at Nordstrom as an ambassador which has been one of my favorite memories. 

2015 Show 

2016 Show 

Read my blog about it here

I have made so many friends from this program throughout the years, and I’m still in touch with a lot of them today. I have also made connections with employees and they have personally mentored me. I love everything that Nordstrom stands for, not only do they have quality merchandise, but outstanding customer service. I have never worked with a company that’s more intentional about their customers than Nordstrom. They also give so much to their community by hosting charity events and providing scholarships, internships, and this fashion ambassador program for so many aspiring teens. This program has prepared me for my next step in my fashion  career and I’m so thankful for that! If you’re in high school and are interested in fashion, I recommend this experience 100%! Click the link here to apply and get more information; the last day to do so is April 7th. After you apply online they will email you about an interview day. For the interview you need two letters of recommendation, and a style project. More details about paperwork will be sent to you. My first year I created a scrapbook with a Road-trip theme, showing styles I would wear in different locations. The next year I created Polyvore collages for each season, and last year a created a New York City Look Book with the theme “Girl Boss”. This year I will either create a blog post or YouTube video depicting my style and current trends. Remember to just be yourself and think of something out of the ordinary for your style project. They love seeing your talent and passion for fashion. If you have any questions, contact me. 


Elle Coffman